Wealth Advisors
Differentiate Your Clients’ Portfolios with a Bespoke Absolute Return Program
Build your firm's brand with a white label evergreen multi-strategy fund solution that is designed to help clients achieve their goals, simplify operations, and drive firm growth–or leverage our prebuilt, diversified absolute return products.
Empowering Advisors to Deliver Exceptional Value
Equi provides Wealth Advisors with the tools and expertise to stand out in a crowded market.

Equi Absolute Return Funds
• Equi Multi-Strategy Fund
• Equi Diversified Alpha Fund
• Equi Special Opportunity Funds
Custom, Branded Diversification Solutions
Custom Fund Solutions
Evergreen Structure
Streamlined Reporting
Scalable Portfolio Models
What Makes Equi Different
Unique Investment Access
Equi proudly offers investments unavailable on any other wirehouse platform or marketplace (eg CAIS, iCapital, Opto, Glas Funds, etc).
Investment Research & Diligence
Original investment options are paired with institutional grade research, diligence, and summary IC memos for your team.
Portfolio Structuring and Creation
Analyze your existing model portfolios and build a solution that complements and improves them.
Marketing & Education Support
White-labeled proposals, branded materials, and tools to help you win clients.
Differentiate, Don’t Replicate
Empowering Advisors to Deliver Exceptional Value
Equi provides Wealth Advisors with the tools and expertise to stand out in a crowded market. Our platform offers custom-branded investment solutions, enabling you to deliver differentiated strategies that drive growth, enhance client relationships, and build lasting trust.
(<0.1% approved)

Start Diversifying & Differentiating Today
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